Monday, April 1, 2013

When will a release date and trailer be released?

As you may know, it's been a whopping 9-10 months since the last new episode of the Legend of Korra premiered in late June of 2012. It's almost hard to believe. It feels like that time where the Korra fandom could let their freak flag fly, was ages ago, or never even happened.
I can't remember the Joy of waking up on a Saturday morning to watch the next chapter of Korra.

It's really sad.

But now, the infamous month of April has appeared on our doorstep. And hopefully it won't ding dong ditch us.

I have to admit, I was pretty excited when I read the tweet from Janet Varney, that said Korra would primer in mid April! But then my more logical side told me it could not be true.
We had heard a week ago from Mike that Book 2 of Korra was not finished. That was the first red flag.
The second was that if it was premiering in mid April, then advertising would have had to start ASAP at the latest. For a show like Korra, that's been gone for several months, the offline community is probably not even aware there is a second book, so they would have to advertise at least a month in advance. We have not even had a trailer! There was no way it could premier late April, or Nicks PR was extremely disorganized.
So although it broke my fragile fangirl heart, it wasn't that big of a shock when Janet retracted her previous statement.
I don't blame Janet at all. The Nickelodeon executives probably got mad at her for telling us false information or any information at all. And I don't want to get her fired, so I'm not going to press her for info about book 2. One less fan clouding her twitter feed I suppose.
Now back to the speculation, I speculate that there is a possibility that at some point and time this month, we are going to get a Korra trailer. Maybe a release date if we are lucky ducklings.
The only thing I fret about that statement, is the timeline.
I am under the belief that Book 2 is not finished yet. Based on the evidence I can gather.
I think that when several voice actors tweeted last year, it was predicted and planned that Book 2 would be done and premiered in April. But taking that things never go exactly according to plan, Book 2 may very well be off schedule.
It takes a long time to take an animated cartoon of such high quality like Korra. It's not an overnight process, months and months of effort go into these episodes. And they could have been held up at one point or another so they got off track. Book 2 could not premier until September or October. As scary as that thought is.
At this point, I'm just hoping it gets on the air before I'm old enough to vote.

In summary: Earlier evidence points to a Trailer or release date in the coming month. But don't be so sure. I'm not 100% confident at this point that we will get anything until May or June.
Or I could be horribly wrong and we all wake up tomorrow to a trailer posted on

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Until next time,
Peace, Love, and Tea,

*Picture via Stop M. Night on Facebook


Hey my fellow Legend of Korra fans! You may know me on Tumblr by Filmeditor16. I doubt it though, I only have 26 followers.

Anyway, I decided to start a blog, called Korranewstoday. To well, you know, get fellow Fans, Korra news today.

A lot of awesome and fantastic Avatar and Korra bloggers out there can't always react right away, because I assume they have social lives and activities.
I however, have no such thing.
So, in an random and dark part of my mind I thought, "Hey, I'm usually pretty quick to find out Korra news, and I do want to practice my writing, and maybe I could even get credit for it in school!" So here I am, writing my first blog post, and the only ones who will read it is probably myself and my mother.
You can follow me, or don't, I don't know, on Tumblr as Filmeditor16. And, you can even follow me on here, if you dare.

A lot more to come, such as a release date and trailer speculation post!

Until then,
Peace, Love, and HONNNOOORRRRR

*Picture via Stop M. Night on Facebook